Hi i need to write about 5 paragraphs about: Compare different ways that Shakespeare describes dreams in the three extracts (Puck's final speech, Clarence's Dream & Caliban's Dream) using PEE

Make three different lists -- one for each of the extracts. Note the different ways Shakespeare described dreams. Those will be the main points of your essay.

This site should also help you.


The thing is am stuck i can't right or think of anything to write

Go back and read those extracts again -- and again -- if necessary. Note how Shakespeare describes the dreams.


If you're having trouble reading Shakespeare's English, find each play here. Then read the parts you need (Act and scene), using the RIGHT-HAND column for modernized English.

I cant think of anything that I can write about

I wrote 4 paragraphs if anyone give me 2 more paragraphs i will be really thankful

To compare the different ways that Shakespeare describes dreams in the three extracts from his plays, you can use the PEE (Point, Evidence, Explanation) method. This method is a helpful structure to analyze literature and ensure a cohesive and well-supported response. Here's how you can approach each paragraph using the PEE method:

Paragraph 1:
Start with your point, which would be the general comparison between the different ways Shakespeare portrays dreams. For example, you might argue that Shakespeare utilizes dreams to convey important themes or character developments across the three extracts. Then provide evidence from the extracts to support this point. Quote specific lines or phrases where Shakespeare mentions or alludes to dreams. Explain how these references to dreams contribute to the overall meaning of the plays and whether there are any similarities or differences among them.

Paragraph 2:
In this paragraph, select one of the extracts (e.g., Puck's final speech from "A Midsummer Night's Dream") and start with your point about how dreams are depicted in that particular extract. This point should be specific to the chosen extract but still relate to your overall thesis. Follow it up with evidence from the extract, such as quoting lines where dreams are mentioned or described. Then, explain the significance of these references in terms of character development or thematic exploration.

Paragraph 3:
Continue the same pattern in the third paragraph but focus on a different extract (e.g., Clarence's Dream from "Richard III"). Begin with your point, which could be contrasting the portrayal of dreams in this extract with the previous one. Provide evidence from the extract, using quotes or specific descriptions of the dream. Then, explain how these differences in the portrayal of dreams contribute to the play's narrative or enhance the understanding of certain characters or themes.

Paragraph 4:
Repeat the process in the fourth paragraph, focusing on the final extract (e.g., Caliban's Dream from "The Tempest"). Begin with your point, emphasizing any unique or significant aspects of how dreams are described in this extract compared to the others. Provide evidence from the extract, using quotes or any specific descriptions. Then, explain the impact or purpose of these dream descriptions within the context of the play, considering the characters' motivations, relationships, or overall plot.

Paragraph 5:
In the final paragraph, summarize your main points about the comparison of dream descriptions across the three extracts. Reiterate the similarities and differences you've explored and the overall significance of Shakespeare's use of dreams. Consider any conclusions you can draw about his intentions in incorporating dreams within these specific plays, and the potential effects on the audience's understanding and interpretation. End your essay with a concise statement that reinforces your overall thesis.

Remember, as you write, make sure to provide clear and relevant evidence from the extracts, and thoroughly explain the significance of each point you make. This will help you construct a well-structured and insightful essay comparing Shakespeare's depiction of dreams in these three extracts.