peter had 3 kg of beef. he sold 1 kg 600 g of it. what fraction of it did he sell?

1600 grams/3000 grams

To find the fraction of beef that Peter sold, we need to calculate the total weight of beef sold and then express it as a fraction of the initial amount.

Step 1: Convert 1 kg 600 g to the same unit as the initial amount (3 kg).
1 kg = 1000 g
So, the total weight of beef sold is 1 kg 600 g = 1600 g.

Step 2: Calculate the fraction by dividing the weight of beef sold by the initial amount of beef.
Fraction sold = Weight sold / Initial amount
= 1600 g / 3000 g (since 3 kg = 3000 g)
= 16/30 (simplify or reduce if possible)

The fraction of beef that Peter sold is 16/30.

To determine the fraction of beef Peter sold, we need to find the ratio between the amount of beef sold (1 kg 600 g) and the total amount of beef he had (3 kg).

First, let's convert 1 kg 600 g into a single unit. Since 1 kg is equal to 1000 g, we can add the two values together:

1 kg + 600 g = 1600 g

Now, let's calculate the fraction by dividing the amount of beef sold (1600 g) by the total amount of beef (3000 g):

Fraction = Amount of beef sold / Total amount of beef
Fraction = 1600 g / 3000 g

To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which in this case is 200:

Fraction = (1600 g / 200) / (3000 g / 200)
Fraction = 8/15

Therefore, Peter sold 8/15 of the beef he had.