It's me again :)

and again I need help with a mail to my prof...

Dear Ms. ...
... and I thought about our presentation. Our topic is compound adjectives.
Shall we only talk about compound adjectives or shall we also talk about Adverbs, Participles, how to superlative adjectives and thiñs like that?

This looks good.

Adverbs and participles should start with lower case letters. You can omit "how to" in the last sentence.

I assume you mean "things."

Hello again! I'd be happy to help you with your email to your professor.

When crafting the email, follow these steps:

1. Start with a polite greeting and address your professor by their appropriate title (e.g., "Dear Professor [Last Name]").
2. Clearly state the purpose of your email and express your thoughts. For example, "I wanted to discuss the content of our upcoming presentation on compound adjectives."
3. Ask your professor for their opinion on the scope of the presentation. You can say something like, "Should we focus solely on compound adjectives, or would it be beneficial to also cover related topics such as adverbs, participles, and the formation of superlative adjectives?"
4. Conclude the email by thanking your professor for their time and consideration.

Here's an example email that incorporates these steps:

Subject: Inquiry about Presentation Scope - Compound Adjectives

Dear Professor [Last Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to discuss the content of our upcoming presentation on compound adjectives. Specifically, I had a question about the scope of the presentation.

Considering the relevance and interconnectedness of various grammar concepts, I was wondering if we should solely focus on compound adjectives, or if it would be beneficial to also cover broader topics such as adverbs, participles, and the formation of superlative adjectives. I believe that understanding these related concepts could enhance our understanding of compound adjectives and provide a more comprehensive presentation to our classmates.

I would greatly appreciate your guidance and input on this matter. Your expertise would help us ensure that our presentation is informative and engaging.

Thank you in advance for considering my question. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Remember to personalize the email to suit your needs and use a professional tone throughout. Good luck with your presentation!