if an institutional review board is involved in a request information, the information is likely by a

If an institutional review board (IRB) is involved in a request for information, it likely means that the information being requested is related to research that involves human subjects.

An IRB is a committee that has been established to review and approve research studies involving human participants. Its purpose is to protect the rights and welfare of the individuals who participate in the research. When researchers want to gather information from human subjects, they must typically submit their research proposals to an IRB for review.

The IRB evaluates the research plan to ensure that it meets ethical and regulatory guidelines. This includes examining the potential risks and benefits to the participants, the informed consent process, and the overall scientific validity of the study. If the IRB determines that the research is ethically sound, it will grant approval for the study to proceed.

Therefore, if an IRB is involved in a request for information, it means that the information being sought is likely part of a research study that has gone through the IRB approval process.