blank + 5277-9384=2240

Transpose two values on the left-hand side of the equation.

x = 2240 - 5277 + 9384 = ?

To solve the equation "blank + 5277 - 9384 = 2240," we need to isolate the value of "blank."

First, we can simplify the equation by subtracting 9384 from 5277:

blank - 4107 = 2240

Next, we can isolate the "blank" variable by adding 4107 to both sides of the equation:

blank = 2240 + 4107

Simplifying further, we obtain:

blank = 6347

Therefore, the value of "blank" that satisfies the equation is 6347.

To solve the equation "blank + 5277 - 9384 = 2240," we can follow the order of operations, which is typically referred to as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

First, let's simplify the equation by combining like terms on the right side:
5277 - 9384 = -4107

Now, our equation becomes "blank - 4107 = 2240."

Next, we want to isolate the variable "blank" on one side of the equation. To do this, we need to cancel out the -4107 by adding it to both sides of the equation:
(blank - 4107) + 4107 = 2240 + 4107

Simplifying further:
blank = 6347

Therefore, the value of "blank" is 6347.