Mike's number is 2000 more than Jerry's which is 400 less than Barry's. Larry's number is 1500 more than Sam's, which is 443. Sam's number is 60 less than Barry's.

Jerry's number = n.

Mike's number = n+2000
Barry's number = n+400.
Larry's number = 443+1500 = 1943.
Sam'2 number = 443.
Barry's number = 443+60 = 503.

n+400 = 503
n = 103

n+2000 = 103+2000 = 2103

To solve this problem, let's assign variables to each person's number to make it easier to work with. Let's say:

Mike's number = M
Jerry's number = J
Barry's number = B
Larry's number = L
Sam's number = S

We are given the following information:

1. Mike's number is 2000 more than Jerry's: M = J + 2000
2. Jerry's number is 400 less than Barry's: J = B - 400
3. Larry's number is 1500 more than Sam's: L = S + 1500
4. Sam's number is 443.
5. Sam's number is 60 less than Barry's: S = B - 60

Now we can use this information to solve for each person's number.

First, substitute the value of S into equation (3): L = 443 + 1500

L = 1943

Next, substitute the value of S into equation (5): 443 = B - 60

B = 443 + 60
B = 503

Then, substitute the value of B into equation (2): J = 503 - 400

J = 103

Now, substitute the value of J into equation (1): M = 103 + 2000

M = 2103

So, the final numbers are:
Mike's number = 2103
Jerry's number = 103
Barry's number = 503
Larry's number = 1943
Sam's number = 443