Which one of the characters you read about is 12 years old?

A. The narrator’s daughter in “The Yellow Wallpaper”
B. Ginger Nut in “Bartleby”
C. Lily Dyer in “A New England Nun”
D. The son of the old man in “The Tell-Tale Heart

I'll be glad to check your answer.

To find out which character is 12 years old, you need to gather information about each story and the characters mentioned. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. "The Yellow Wallpaper": This story features a narrator, but it doesn't specifically mention the age of the narrator's daughter. Therefore, A cannot be the correct answer.

2. "Bartleby": In this story, Ginger Nut is a young office boy who does errands for the narrator. While his exact age is not mentioned, there is no indication that Ginger Nut is 12 years old. Thus, B is unlikely to be the answer.

3. "A New England Nun": The story mentions Lily Dyer as a young girl who often visits the protagonist Martha. However, her age is not explicitly stated, so C may or may not be the correct answer.

4. "The Tell-Tale Heart": This famous Edgar Allan Poe story focuses on the relationship between the narrator and the old man. There is no mention of the old man having a son, so D is not the answer.

Based on the above analysis, it appears that none of the characters mentioned is confirmed to be 12 years old. Since there is no definitive answer from the given options, the correct response would be "None of the above characters is 12 years old."