Psychotherapy is a method used to treat mental and emotional disorders. People who suffer from these disorders talk to a mental health professional about their concerns and other related issues through a series of scheduled sessions. This method can also be referred to as counseling.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy deals with the subconscious by raising the awareness of unconscious thoughts and behaviors. In essence, the purpose of the psychodynamic approach is to teach the patients new insights and methods of conflict resolution by exploring their thoughts and past, as well as offering support that will enable them to live a happier life. This form of treatment is one of the most commonly used types of psychotherapy because it is conducted in an office setting, sitting face-to-face with a therapist, it is less intense and the treatments are shorter.

Contrary to the psychodynamic method, the humanistic-existential approach does not deal with what happened in the past, but it focuses on an individual sense of purpose or meaning in life. In the humanistic-existential form of treatment, the therapist does not make interpretation or attempt to change the client’s behavior. The therapist’s main objective is to show acceptance and allow them to choose.

Many types of psychotherapy are available. They are all valid in their own way; some focus on changing current behavior patterns, and others focus on understanding past issues. Although they use different methods, they have a similar goal which is to help people cope with every day issues and achieve mental health. It is really up to the individual to determine what method best suiting them.

This is much better, Rose, although I still question the accuracy of your statement about the psychodynamic approach being less intense.

Ms. Sue here is a quote from the mayo clinic:

Psychodynamic psychotherapy

Psychodynamic psychotherapy, based on the theories of psychoanalysis, focuses on increasing your awareness of unconscious thoughts and behaviors, developing new insights into your motivations, and resolving conflicts to live a happier life. It's one of the most common types of psychotherapy. It's less intense than psychoanalysis and is usually done sitting face to face with a therapist. It's also less frequent — usually once a week — and is shorter term, usually a year or less.

Give me your thoughts

Ms. Sue,

You told me to remove the 2nd paragraph although the instruction said to explain briefly the biomedical approach as well as the psychodynamic etc

Thanks for that quote.

The important point is that psychodynamic psychotherapy is less intense THAN PSYCHOANALYSIS. You should include those words in your paper.

Ms. Sue,

Do you mean to leave the 2nd paragraph?

Psychotherapy, also known as counseling, is a method used to treat mental and emotional disorders. People who are experiencing these disorders have scheduled sessions with a mental health professional to discuss their concerns and related issues. There are various types of psychotherapy, but two common approaches are the psychodynamic and humanistic-existential approaches.

The psychodynamic approach focuses on the subconscious mind, aiming to raise awareness of unconscious thoughts and behaviors. The goal is to provide patients with new insights and methods of conflict resolution by exploring their thoughts and past experiences. This form of therapy is typically conducted in an office setting, with the patient and therapist sitting face-to-face. It is considered less intense and the treatment duration is usually shorter.

On the other hand, the humanistic-existential approach does not delve into the past but rather focuses on an individual's sense of purpose or meaning in life. The therapist does not interpret or attempt to change the client's behavior. Instead, the main objective is to provide acceptance and allow the client to make their own choices.

It is important to note that there are many different types of psychotherapy, and each has its own valid approach. Some therapies aim to change current behavior patterns, while others focus on understanding past issues. The ultimate goal of all psychotherapies is to help individuals cope with everyday issues and achieve mental health. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to determine which method suits them best.