The highest speed reached by a solar powered vehicle is 48.71 mph. This record was set by a Sunracycer on June 24, 1988 in Meza, AZ. How far could this car travel in 2.5 hrs at this speed.

121.8 mph

To find out how far the solar-powered vehicle could travel in 2.5 hours at a speed of 48.71 mph, you can simply multiply the speed by the time.

Distance traveled = Speed × Time

Distance traveled = 48.71 mph × 2.5 hrs

First, let's convert the speed from mph to miles per minute (mpm) by dividing by 60:

48.71 mph ÷ 60 = 0.81183 mpm (rounded to 5 decimal places)

Now, we can multiply the speed in mpm by the time in minutes:

0.81183 mpm × 150 mins = 121.77 miles (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Therefore, the solar-powered vehicle could travel approximately 121.77 miles in 2.5 hours at a speed of 48.71 mph.

To calculate the distance the car could travel in 2.5 hours at a speed of 48.71 mph, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed * Time

Plugging in the values, we have:

Distance = 48.71 mph * 2.5 hrs

To solve this, we multiply the speed (48.71 mph) by the time (2.5 hours):

Distance = 48.71 * 2.5

Calculating this, we get:

Distance = 121.775 miles (rounded to three decimal places)

Therefore, the car could travel approximately 121.775 miles in 2.5 hours at a speed of 48.71 mph.

48.71 * 2.5 = ?