Using the information below estimate the time required to analyse the data collected

using the two motion analysis systems when there are 10 markers on the subject and the data
is collected for 100 frames.
Cinematography system 2 seconds per marker
5 seconds to change frame
Passive marker 10 seconds to identify each marker
Motion analysis system 1 marker disappears on four occasions

(b) Are there any other time delays associated with either systems?

To estimate the time required to analyze the data collected using the two motion analysis systems, let's consider the given information:

1. Cinematography System:
- 2 seconds per marker
- 5 seconds to change frame
- 100 frames

Since there are 10 markers on the subject, we can calculate the time required to analyze the data using the cinematography system as follows:

Time per marker = 2 seconds per marker
Total time for all markers = Time per marker * Number of markers
= 2 seconds/marker * 10 markers
= 20 seconds

Time to change frame = 5 seconds/frame
Total time for all frames = Time to change frame * Number of frames
= 5 seconds/frame * 100 frames
= 500 seconds

Total time for analyzing data using the cinematography system = Total time for all markers + Total time for all frames
= 20 seconds + 500 seconds
= 520 seconds

2. Passive Marker Motion Analysis System:
- 10 seconds to identify each marker
- 1 marker disappears on four occasions

Since only 1 marker disappears on four occasions, we can calculate the time required to analyze the data using the passive marker motion analysis system as follows:

Time to identify each marker = 10 seconds/marker
Total time for all markers = Time to identify each marker * Number of markers
= 10 seconds/marker * 10 markers
= 100 seconds

Total time for analyzing data using the passive marker motion analysis system = Total time for all markers
= 100 seconds

(b) Other time delays associated with the systems include the time required for data processing and analysis after the data is collected. This time can vary depending on the complexity of the analysis algorithms and the computational power of the system performing the analysis. However, the given information does not provide any specific details about these time delays.