Using the information below estimate the time required to analyse the data collected

using the two motion analysis systems when there are 10 markers on the subject and the data
is collected for 100 frames.
Cinematography system 2 seconds per marker
5 seconds to change frame
Passive marker 10 seconds to identify each marker
Motion analysis system 1 marker disappears on four occasions

(b) Are there any other time delays associated with either systems?

To estimate the time required to analyze the data collected using the two motion analysis systems, we need to consider the different time delays associated with each system.

1. Cinematography System:
- Time to analyze each marker: 2 seconds per marker
- Time to change frame: 5 seconds

So, for 10 markers and 100 frames, the time required to analyze the data using the cinematography system can be calculated as follows:
- Time to analyze markers = (2 seconds per marker) x (10 markers) x (100 frames) = 2000 seconds
- Time to change frames = (5 seconds) x (100 frames) = 500 seconds

Total time required using the cinematography system = Time to analyze markers + Time to change frames
= 2000 seconds + 500 seconds
= 2500 seconds

2. Passive Marker System:
- Time to identify each marker: 10 seconds

For 10 markers, the time required to identify each marker using the passive marker system can be calculated as follows:
- Time to identify each marker = (10 seconds per marker) x (10 markers) = 100 seconds

However, it is mentioned that 1 marker disappears on four occasions. So, we need to factor in the additional time required to identify the disappeared markers:
- Time to identify disappeared markers = (10 seconds per marker) x (1 marker) x (4 occasions) = 40 seconds

Total time required using the passive marker system = Time to identify markers + Time to identify disappeared markers
= 100 seconds + 40 seconds
= 140 seconds

(b) Other time delays associated with either system:
- Based on the information provided, there are no other time delays mentioned for either system. The given analysis times for the marking and identifying processes are the only relevant time delays mentioned.