What are the seven stages of a frogs life cycle?

it starts with eggs, then tadpole, then tadpole with legs, the froglet and I can't find the 2 in between adult frog.

is it eggs, than larvae, than tadpole, than tadpole with legs, then froglet and what is the one in between adult frog

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The seven stages of a frog's life cycle are as follows:

1. Egg: The life cycle of a frog begins with eggs. These eggs are typically laid in water, usually in clusters or masses.

2. Tadpole: After a period of time, the eggs hatch into tadpoles. Tadpoles are aquatic larvae with long tails and no legs. They mainly feed on algae and other small organisms present in the water.

3. Tadpole with Legs: As tadpoles grow, they develop hind limbs, followed by the appearance of front limbs. At this stage, they start to resemble miniature frogs but still have a long tail.

4. Froglet: As the tail gradually shrinks, the tadpole transforms into a small frog with a short tail. At this stage, the froglet has both forelimbs and hind limbs, enabling it to crawl on land.

5. Subadult/Juvenile Frog: The froglet continues to grow and develop into a subadult or juvenile frog. During this stage, the frog begins to resemble an adult frog but may still exhibit some characteristics of immaturity.

6. Adult Frog: After reaching maturity, the frog enters the stage of adulthood. It becomes sexually mature and ready to reproduce. Adult frogs have fully formed bodies, including limbs, a well-developed respiratory system for living both in water and on land, and the ability to reproduce.

7. Elder Frog: This stage is not universally recognized, but some sources refer to older or elderly frogs as separate from adults. Elder frogs may be larger in size and can exhibit certain physical changes associated with aging, such as changes in coloration or behavior.

To find the missing two stages between tadpole with legs and adult frog, you can use reliable sources such as books on amphibians or reputable websites focused on frog life cycles. These sources often provide detailed information with images or diagrams that can help you understand each stage better. Additionally, educational videos or documentaries on frogs can also provide visual representations of the different stages.