i need help with my outline. not sure where to go. i am at a complete loss

i know i want my topic to be Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide

I. TITLE: Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide
A. General Purpose: To persuade
B. Specific Purpose:

C. Central idea

II. Introduction
A. Key point #1
B. Key point #2
C. Key point #3

III. Body of the Presentation
A. Key Point #1
1. Supporting statement and resource
2. Supporting statement and resource
B. Key Point #2
1. Supporting statement and resource
2. Supporting statement and resource
C. Key Point #3
1. Supporting statement and resource
2. Supporting statement and resource

IV. Conclusion

What are the reasons you think cell phones should be banned while driving? List them.

It seems like you have made a good start on creating your outline. Let's work on filling out the missing sections.

B. Specific Purpose: This is the section where you state what you hope to achieve with your presentation. In this case, since your topic is about persuading others, you could say something like "To persuade the audience that banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide in order to improve road safety."

C. Central Idea: This is the main point or message you want to convey to the audience. It should be a concise statement that summarizes your argument. For example, your central idea could be "Using cell phones while driving poses significant risks to drivers and others on the road, therefore it should be banned nationwide."

III. Body of the Presentation: This is the main section where you will provide supporting evidence and arguments for your central idea. You can start by expanding on your key points:

A. Key Point #1: Start by brainstorming reasons and evidence that support the idea that using cell phones while driving is dangerous. Consider statistics, research studies, and real-life examples. Then, under Key Point #1, add supporting statements and resources, using the format you've already established.

B. Key Point #2: Similar to Key Point #1, think about another aspect or reason why banning cell phone use while driving should be mandatory nationwide. Again, provide supporting statements and resources.

C. Key Point #3: Repeat the process for this final key point.

In each of the supporting statements, be sure to use credible sources such as peer-reviewed articles, government reports, or reputable news sources. This will strengthen your arguments.

IV. Conclusion: The conclusion is where you wrap up your presentation and reinforce your main points. You can briefly summarize your key points and restate your central idea, emphasizing the importance of implementing a nationwide ban on cell phone use while driving.

Remember, the outline is just a framework to guide your presentation. Feel free to adjust or add to it as you gather more information and develop your arguments. Good luck with your presentation!