Peter, a farmer, leaves 3 bushels of tomatoes with John, the owner of a grocery store. Peter says “Look these over. If you want them, they’re 30,000/- a bushel.” John never gets back with Peter. John runs out of his own tomatoes and begins selling Peter’s tomatoes to his (John’s) customers without Peter’s knowledge or consent.

Do Peter and John have a contract that can be enforced in a court of law? If so, what type of contract; explain how this contract exists by applying elements or definitions to the fact pattern and explain how you reached your conclusion. Your explanation should be detailed and demonstrate knowledge in the area.

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To determine whether Peter and John have a contract that can be enforced in a court of law, we need to analyze the elements of a contract and apply them to the given fact pattern.

1. Offer: Peter's statement to John, "Look these over. If you want them, they're 30,000/- a bushel," can be considered an offer. An offer is a willingness to enter into a contract on specific terms. In this case, Peter is offering his tomatoes at a specific price.

2. Acceptance: Acceptance occurs when the offeree (John) agrees, without any modifications, to the terms of the offer. In this scenario, John never gets back with Peter to accept or reject the offer. However, if John started selling Peter's tomatoes without Peter's knowledge or consent, it implies that he accepted the offer by acting upon it.

3. Consideration: Consideration refers to something of value exchanged between the parties in a contract. In this case, Peter is offering his tomatoes (3 bushels) at a price of 30,000/- per bushel. John obtaining the tomatoes and potentially reselling them can be seen as consideration as he is benefiting from the transaction.

4. Mutual Assent: Mutual assent is the agreement or meeting of the minds between the parties involved. Although the formal acceptance from John is not explicitly stated, his actions of taking and selling the tomatoes can be seen as an implied agreement or mutual assent.

Based on the analysis of the elements of a contract, it can be concluded that Peter and John have a contract that can be enforced in a court of law. The contract can be classified as an implied-in-fact contract. An implied-in-fact contract arises when the parties' agreement is demonstrated through their conduct rather than through explicit words or written communication.

In this case, Peter's offer, although not accepted explicitly, was accepted implicitly when John started selling the tomatoes without Peter's knowledge or consent. The existence of consideration (the tomatoes being exchanged for a price) further strengthens the enforceability of the contract.

It is important to note that legal advice should be sought to determine the specific implications and enforceability of this contract in the relevant jurisdiction, as the laws may vary.