Traveling in France, Miguel exchanged 12 U.S. dollars for francs and got the same exchange rate. How many francs did Miguel receive? Round to the nearest tenth.

Ah, what was that exchange rate ?

exchange rate: 12 U.S. dollars for 82.8 francs. Sorry

Ummmh, isn't it about your school updated those old textbooks?

France hasn't used the franc for years, they use the Euro.

My teacher is 67 years old.

To find out how many francs Miguel received, we need to know the exchange rate between U.S. dollars and francs. Since the question states that Miguel got the same exchange rate, we can assume that 1 U.S. dollar is equivalent to 1 franc.

Therefore, if Miguel exchanged 12 U.S. dollars, he would receive the same amount of francs. So, Miguel received 12 francs.