I've been at this question almost an hour, I just need help before I start pulling hair out of my head! LOL

Please Help? :D

Solve the inequality and describe the solution set.

y - 6 _>_ 12

Does your symbol mean greater than or equal to?

If so:

y - 6 >/= 12
add 6 to both sides
y >/= 18

Also can you do it in steps so I can understand, so I won't ask on here a lot?

Thanks Damon, and it does..I'm really bad at making things look like they should haha. Thank You again ^_^

You are welcome :)

By the way, the only tricky thing on this general subject is that if you multiply (or of course divide) both sides by a negative number, reverse the direction of the arrow.

To solve the inequality y - 6 ≥ 12, you need to isolate the variable y. Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Add 6 to both sides of the inequality:
y - 6 + 6 ≥ 12 + 6
This simplifies to:
y ≥ 18

Step 2: The inequality states that y is greater than or equal to 18. In other words, any value of y that is equal to or greater than 18 will make the inequality true.

So, the solution set can be described as all real numbers greater than or equal to 18. You can represent this solution set using interval notation as [18, ∞). The square bracket [ represents an inclusive endpoint (including 18), while the infinity symbol (∞) represents all numbers greater than 18.