8. Read the paragraph, which may contain errors or false beliefs about the Civil War:

Maryland was an important state in the Civil War. Due to its location, it was the key to the North
maintaining control of its capital, Washington, D.C. Maryland formed the east and north borders of the
capital, and Virginia was to the west and south. Virginia was a slave state, but Maryland was free,
which increased the importance of this state to the North. President Abraham Lincoln suspended the
writ of habeas corpus in 1861 to protect Maryland. As long as the Union held Maryland, Washington,
D.C., would most likely be safe from Confederate troops.
Which of the following statements corrects a false belief about the Civil War and would make the information in the passage more accurate? (5 points)
Lincoln enforced the writ of habeas corpus to prevent Confederate troops from entering
Maryland was a slave state that surrounded Washington, D.C., on the north, east, and south.
Maryland was important to the Union because it surrounded the capital and had outlets to
the sea.
Virginia was a free state that surrounded Washington, D.C., on the west and south. ***
9. Which of these statements best describes one of the Union's advantages over the Confederacy during the civil War? (5 points)
Union commanders had more fighting experience than Confederate commanders.
Unlike Confederate soldiers, Union soldiers were fighting for a cause most of them believed
The U.S. government had military alliances with foreign powers that increased Union troop
The North had a more widespread network of railroads available for delivering troops and
supplies to the battlefield.*****

10. How did the presence of the border states illustrate a difference between the Union and Confederacy?
(5 points)
The Confederacy had more internal political disagreements than the Union.
The Confederacy had more states on its side than the Union.
The Union's population was divided on the issue of slavery.
The Union's population was united in believing slavery was wrong. **
11. Which of these factors influenced President Lincoln's decision to finally issue the Emancipation
Proclamation? (5 points)
military victories by the Union Army
the need to draft emancipated slaves ***
the secession of several border states
strong lobbying by prominent abolitionists
12. How did the Union benefit from holding Maryland? (5 points)
Maryland had a well-trained militia and officers.
Maryland had more railroads than any other state at the time.
The Confederate capital was bordered by Union territory. ***
The Union capital was not surrounded by hostile territory.
13. General William Tecumseh Sherman's March to the Sea was made possible by the Union capture of
which of these Southern cities? (5 points)
Atlanta ****

8. The correct statement that corrects a false belief about the Civil War and makes the information in the passage more accurate is: Virginia was a slave state that surrounded Washington, D.C., on the west and south. This corrects the false belief that Maryland was a free state.

9. The statement that best describes one of the Union's advantages over the Confederacy during the Civil War is: The North had a more widespread network of railroads available for delivering troops and supplies to the battlefield. This advantage in transportation and logistics gave the Union greater mobility and the ability to quickly move troops and supplies.

10. The presence of the border states illustrated a difference between the Union and Confederacy by showing that the Union's population was divided on the issue of slavery. This means that even within the Union, there were states that allowed slavery, while the Confederacy was composed entirely of slave-holding states.

11. The factor that influenced President Lincoln's decision to issue the Emancipation Proclamation was the need to draft emancipated slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued as a military measure to disrupt the Confederacy's labor force and weaken their ability to wage war. It declared that all slaves in Confederate-held territory were to be set free, and it allowed for the recruitment of former slaves into the Union army.

12. The Union benefited from holding Maryland because the Confederate capital, Richmond, was bordered by Union territory. This meant that by controlling Maryland, the Union could maintain a strategic position that threatened the Confederate capital and put pressure on the Confederacy.

13. General William Tecumseh Sherman's March to the Sea was made possible by the Union capture of Atlanta. By capturing Atlanta, the Union gained control of a major transportation hub and cut off important supply lines for the Confederacy. This allowed Sherman to embark on his famous campaign through Georgia, known as the March to the Sea.

NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Virginia was a free state that surrounded Washington, D.C., on the west and south. ***
NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, a million times NO !!!!
MARYLAND WAS a SLAVE STATE that stayed in the union

9. agree

10. The border states mostly allowed slavery. Therefore there were by definition differences of opinion on the subject in the Union camp.

Lincoln put off the proclamation until the Union won a battle, Antietam.

12. Check your MAP !

Well, we agree about Atlanta to the sea :)

with 9 I agree

8. No

9. Yes
10. No -- although I'm not sure. Check your book.
11. No
12. No -- Check your book
13. Yes

( I was born in Maryland :)