An abstract representation of a mathematical concept. Visualize a numerical line running horizontally from negative 20 to 20. At the number 6, a hollow circle appears indicating an excluded point. From this point, a bold arrow stretches to the right, passing through 12 and extending into infinity, to represent an inequality solution set.

y - 6 ==> 12

Solve the inequality and describe the solution set

Add 6 to both sides of the inequality.


You are done.

Treat the inequality like an equation. What ever you do to one side you must do to the other side. The important difference is if you multiply by a negative number the inequality flips. Less than becomes greater than. Less than or equal to becomes greater than or equal to. And a greater than sign flips to a less than sign.

y-6=> 12

Y =>12+6
Y => 18

This is the Eq of a hor. line in which
Y => 18 for all values of X.

I don't understand the answer henry???

Ye, so => means ≥. To do it, you have to copy and paste it.

stay safe during covid-19 and um I would listed to Anonymous



yall we just want answers, smh.

uh oki then ;-;

i found da Y-

and da other Y-

find the N