which of the following is Phoebe most worried about?

A. that her cholesterol will be too high

B. that her mother has been kidnapped

C. that Prudence will not make the cheerleading squad

That her mother has been kidnapped, because her mother never left without a warning, strange hairs and other things around the house.


Cassie needs to stop helping this other person to cheat.

This is homework help. You ask questions people help answer them...she isn't posting the WHOLE test...she needs help on a few questions. This is the purpose for the site. And I didn't really help her cheat. I gave her the answer and the reason for it. So if she didn't understand why it was that one.. -.-

or he )

She/he will post every question, one at a time, if you don't stop this. Answering one or two ... no problem, but answering every single one promotes dependence and, eventually, cheating.

To determine which of the given options Phoebe is most worried about, we can analyze the information provided in each option:

A. Phoebe being worried about her cholesterol being too high suggests that she might be concerned about her health and well-being. However, this option does not provide any context or reason for her to be specifically worried about her cholesterol.

B. Phoebe being worried about her mother being kidnapped suggests a situation involving a potential threat to a loved one. This option implies a more urgent and distressing concern compared to the previous one.

C. Phoebe being worried that Prudence will not make the cheerleading squad suggests a concern related to Prudence's personal goals and aspirations, which may cause disappointment or emotional distress. However, this option seems less severe in terms of potential consequences compared to the second option.

Based on this analysis, option B, that her mother has been kidnapped, appears to be the most distressing and urgent concern Phoebe is facing.