for vague pronouns what is correct. when the car hit a tree, it made a terrible noise or the care made a terrible noise as it crashed into a tree?

It would really help if you used correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

Are these your sentences?

When the car hit a tree, it made a terrible noise.

The car made a terrible noise as it crashed into a tree.

In the first sentence, does "it" refer to the car or to the tree?

In the second sentence, is it clear what "it" is referring to?

When dealing with vague pronouns, it is important to use clear and specific language to avoid confusion. In the sentence you provided, "it" is a vague pronoun because it does not have a clear antecedent (the noun it refers to).

To make the sentence clearer, you can rewrite it in a way that explicitly states what "it" refers to. Here are two possible options:

1. "When the car hit a tree, the collision made a terrible noise."
2. "The car made a terrible noise as it crashed into a tree."

Both sentences remove the vagueness by directly mentioning the car and its action. The choice between the two options depends on your writing style and the context in which you are using the sentence.