What does it mean when ....

Bill clinton lifted the ban on in the military.

Does he support or not?

Am I a poor reader, since I cannot understand this?
Please be honest..

Are you clear on the meaning of the words 'lifted' and 'ban' in that sentence?

You probably need to look up every word you're not 100% sure of. http://www.dictionary.com

The phrase "Bill Clinton lifted the ban on in the military" refers to a policy change during Bill Clinton's presidency that allowed individuals who identified as to serve openly in the military.

As for whether Bill Clinton supports individuals or not, it is important to note that public figures often hold complex and evolving views on societal issues. While Bill Clinton signed the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy into law in 1993, which restricted the ability of individuals to serve openly in the military, he later expressed regret for the policy and eventually worked towards its repeal in 2010.

Regarding your question about being a poor reader, it is not possible for me as an AI to determine your reading skills. However, understanding certain phrases or topics might be challenging for anyone, depending on their familiarity with the subject matter. It's important to approach learning with an open mind and seek additional information or context if needed. Developing reading skills is a continuous process that can be improved over time with practice and exposure to different types of texts.