1. Which factor contributed most to the U.S. acquisition of Florida in 1819?

A.The defeat of Great Britain in the War of 1812
B. U.S. military victories in Florida during the 1810s
C. Spain's loss of control over its South American territories
D. Territorial disputes between Mexico and the United States

2. Which textile industry innovation put all stages of manufacturing under one roof
A. child labor
B. cotton gin
C. factory system
D. interchangeable parts

I think 1 is A and 2 C OR D???

1 is not C.

2. is C.

The main conflicts faced in Florida resulted from which of these? (5 points)

Territorial disputes with Spain
Limited land and resources for settlement
Pirate attacks on U.S. ships in the Atlantic
Warfare between France and Great Britain

To find the answer to the first question, you can analyze each option and see which one is the most likely factor that contributed most to the U.S. acquisition of Florida in 1819.

A. The defeat of Great Britain in the War of 1812: While the war did have significant impacts on the United States, it did not directly contribute to the acquisition of Florida.

B. U.S. military victories in Florida during the 1810s: This option seems more plausible, as it suggests that the United States gained control of Florida through military victories in the region during the 1810s.

C. Spain's loss of control over its South American territories: This option does not directly relate to the acquisition of Florida, as it focuses on Spain losing control over its South American territories.

D. Territorial disputes between Mexico and the United States: This option does not pertain to the acquisition of Florida, as it suggests territorial disputes between Mexico and the United States.

Based on these considerations, the most likely answer is B. U.S. military victories in Florida during the 1810s.

For the second question, you can consider each option and determine which one is an innovation that put all stages of textile manufacturing under one roof.

A. Child labor: While child labor was unfortunately prevalent during the Industrial Revolution, it did not put all stages of textile manufacturing under one roof.

B. Cotton gin: The cotton gin was an important invention that mechanized the process of separating cotton fibers from the seeds, but it did not centralize all stages of textile manufacturing in a single location.

C. Factory system: This option is the most likely answer, as the factory system involved consolidating all stages of textile manufacturing, from spinning, weaving, and finishing, into a single facility.

D. Interchangeable parts: Although interchangeable parts revolutionized manufacturing processes, it did not specifically focus on the textile industry or centralize all stages under one roof.

Based on these considerations, the correct answer is C. Factory system.

Hello? I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!