preschoolers use private speech

a. to influence others
b. to keep ideas a secret
c. because it is more efficient
d. because it enables them to communicate new edeas.

I think it is D.

I agree.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

To determine the correct answer, you can analyze each option and consider the purpose of private speech in preschoolers.

a. "To influence others": Private speech is primarily an internal process and not typically used to directly influence others. Preschoolers might engage in self-talk to guide their actions or regulate their behavior, but it is not usually intended to influence others.

b. "To keep ideas a secret": Preschoolers often engage in private speech to express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. It functions as a way for them to vocalize their internal thoughts rather than keeping them a secret.

c. "Because it is more efficient": While private speech helps preschoolers process and organize their thoughts, it may not necessarily be considered more efficient than other forms of communication. It serves as an aid to their cognitive development rather than optimizing efficiency.

d. "Because it enables them to communicate new ideas": This option aligns with the purpose of private speech for preschoolers. Engaging in self-talk allows them to articulate and express their thoughts, which facilitates communication and the sharing of their novel ideas with themselves and sometimes even with others.

Considering these points, it appears that option "d. because it enables them to communicate new ideas" is the most accurate answer to why preschoolers use private speech.