Make a project on frequency distribution table, histogramand polygon of preposition using newspaper cutting

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To create a project on frequency distribution table, histogram, and polygon of prepositions using newspaper cuttings, you'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Gather newspaper cuttings
Collect a sufficient number of newspaper cuttings that contain articles or text that you can analyze for prepositions. You can choose a specific newspaper or gather cuttings from different sources.

Step 2: Extract the text
Carefully read each newspaper cutting and extract the relevant text that you want to analyze for prepositions. Make sure to collect a significant amount of text to get reliable data.

Step 3: Create a frequency distribution table
A frequency distribution table represents the number of times each preposition appears in the given text. To create one, follow these steps:
- Compile a list of prepositions (e.g., in, on at, by, etc.).
- Count the frequency of each preposition in the extracted text.
- Create a table with two columns: one for the prepositions and one for their frequencies.
- List each preposition and its corresponding frequency in the table.

Step 4: Create a histogram
A histogram is a graphical representation of data using rectangles of varying heights. It will help visualize the frequency distribution of prepositions in the newspaper text. Follow these steps to create a histogram:
- Choose an appropriate scale for the x-axis (prepositions) and y-axis (frequencies).
- Draw a rectangle for each preposition, where the height represents the frequency.
- Label the x-axis with the prepositions and the y-axis with the corresponding frequencies.
- Title the histogram appropriately and include a legend (if needed).

Step 5: Create a polygon
A polygon, in this context, is a line graph that connects the points on a frequency polygon. To create one, follow these steps:
- Plot the points where the x-coordinate represents the preposition and the y-coordinate represents the frequency.
- Connect the points with straight lines to create a polygon.
- Label the x-axis with prepositions and the y-axis with frequencies.
- Title the polygon appropriately and add any necessary legends or additional information.

Step 6: Analyze and interpret the results
Examine the frequency distribution table, histogram, and polygon to identify patterns or trends in the usage of prepositions in the newspaper cuttings. Draw conclusions or make observations based on the visualizations.

Remember to document the entire process and provide a detailed explanation of each step in your project. Good luck!