25ft piece wire cut into 2 pieces one piece is 19ft shorter than the other piece how long was each piece

x + x + 19 = 25

2x = 25-19
2x = 6
x = 3

25 - 3 = 22

22 and 3

Sophie has 5 pieces of string that are 4 yards each. She uses 3 pieces that are each 3 feet long.

How much string does Sophie have left?

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To find out the lengths of the two pieces, we can set up a system of equations. Let's call the length of one piece x, and the length of the other piece (which is 19 feet shorter) y.

We know that the total length of the wire is 25 feet, so the first equation we can write is:
x + y = 25

We also know that one piece is 19 feet shorter than the other piece. This can be written as:
x = y - 19

Now we have a system of equations:
x + y = 25
x = y - 19

To solve this system, we can use substitution or elimination method. Let's use substitution method in this case.

We can substitute the value of x from the second equation into the first equation:
(y - 19) + y = 25
2y - 19 = 25
2y = 25 + 19
2y = 44
y = 44 / 2
y = 22

Now, we know the value of y is 22. Let's substitute this value back into the second equation to find x:

x = y - 19
x = 22 - 19
x = 3

So, one piece of the wire is 3 feet long, and the other piece is 22 feet long.