hair grows about 1/2 inch each month after you shave your head how many years will it buntil your hair is 1 foot in length? would the answer be 2 years?


To calculate the time it will take for your hair to grow 1 foot in length after shaving your head, let's break it down step by step:

1. Determine the hair growth per month: You stated that hair grows about ½ inch each month.

2. Calculate the number of months it takes for the hair to grow 1 foot: Since there are 12 inches in 1 foot, divide the length to be achieved (12 inches) by the monthly hair growth (½ inch):

12 inches ÷ ½ inch = 24 months.

Therefore, it will take approximately 24 months (or 2 years) for your hair to grow 1 foot in length after shaving your head. Hence, your answer of 2 years is correct.