23. In a chemical reaction, dynamic equilibrium occurs when the rate of the forward reaction becomes precisely equal to the rate of the reverse reaction. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT

A. A dynamic equilibrium occurs when the reaction is more than 50 percent complete.
B. In a dynamic equilibrium, reactants are converted to products at the same rate as products become reactants.
C. Reactions that reach a dynamic equilibrium are often referred to as reversible reactions.
D. Reactions that reach a dynamic equilibrium are shown with a double arrow, to indicate the forward and reverse reactions.
E. Reactions that reach equilibrium very close to the end (product side) are usually shown with only one arrow instead of a double arrow and we say the reaction goes to completion.
I think the answer is E

nope. E is true.

The answer is A

That's right.

Which statement correctly describes a reaction in dynamic equilibrium?

At dynamic equilibrium, the reactions stop and the amounts of reactants and products do not change.
At dynamic equilibrium, the reactions continue but the amounts of reactants and products do not change.
At dynamic equilibrium, the reactions stop but the amounts of reactants and products are changing.
At dynamic equilibrium, the reactions continue and the amounts of reactants and products are changing.

Which represents the correct equilibrium constant expression for the reaction below?

Upper C u (s) plus 2 upper A g superscript plus (a q) double-headed arrow upper C u superscript 2 plus (a q) plus 2 upper A g (s).
K e q equals StartFraction StartBracket upper C u EndBracket StartBracket upper A g superscript plus EndBracket superscript 2 over StartBracket upper C us superscript 2 plus EndBracket StartBracket upper A g EndBracket superscript 2 EndFraction.
K e q equals StartFraction StartBracket upper C u superscript 2 plus EndBracket StartBracket upper A g EndBracket superscript 2 over StartBracket upper C u EndBracket StartBracket upper A g superscript plus EndBracket superscript 2 EndFraction.
K e q equals StartFraction StartBracket upper A g superscript plus EndBracket superscript 2 over StartBracket upper C u superscript 2 plus EndBracket EndFraction.
K e q equals StartFraction StartBracket upper C u superscript 2 plus EndBracket over StartBracket upper A g superscript plus EndBracket superscript 2 EndFraction.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each statement:

A. A dynamic equilibrium occurs when the reaction is more than 50 percent complete.
This statement is true. When a reaction reaches dynamic equilibrium, it means that both the forward and reverse reactions are still occurring, albeit at the same rate. It does not depend on how much of the reactants have been converted.

B. In a dynamic equilibrium, reactants are converted to products at the same rate as products become reactants.
This statement is true. In dynamic equilibrium, the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction, meaning reactants are being converted to products at the same rate as products are being converted back to reactants.

C. Reactions that reach a dynamic equilibrium are often referred to as reversible reactions.
This statement is true. A reaction that reaches dynamic equilibrium is inherently reversible, as the forward and reverse reactions are both happening simultaneously.

D. Reactions that reach a dynamic equilibrium are shown with a double arrow, to indicate the forward and reverse reactions.
This statement is true. In chemical equations, a double arrow is typically used to represent a reaction that reaches dynamic equilibrium. It signifies that the reaction can happen in both the forward and reverse directions.

E. Reactions that reach equilibrium very close to the end (product side) are usually shown with only one arrow instead of a double arrow, and we say the reaction goes to completion.
This statement is false. Reactions that go to completion and have negligible reverse reactions are usually shown with a single arrow pointing towards the product side. They do not reach dynamic equilibrium.

Therefore, the incorrect statement among the given options is indeed E.