1. What is the 117th odd natural number?

2. What is the greatest three-digit number divisible by 3, 4, 5, and 6?

3. How many even numbers are between 101 and 303?

4 How many even numbers are between 201 and 299?

if 52 cards are dealt to 8 people as evenly as possible, how many people will end up fewer than 7 cards?

please help im in a hurry


The kth odd number is 2k-1
Think about it : 1,3,5,...

It will be a multiple of 60. So, what's the biggest 3-digit multiple of 60?

There are 203 numbers from 101-303.
Knock off one end, since both are odd, and half of the remaining 202 are even.

same thing

52/8 = 6 remainder 4.
So, the 4 extra cards go to 4 of the players, giving them 7 cards each. So, how many don't get the extra card?

1. To find the 117th odd natural number, you need to understand that odd natural numbers are the numbers that cannot be divided evenly by 2. The first odd natural number is 1, the second is 3, the third is 5, and so on. To find the 117th odd number, you need to multiply 117 by 2 and subtract 1 because it is two times the position minus 1. So, the formula to find the nth odd number is (2n - 1). Therefore, the 117th odd natural number is (2 * 117) - 1 = 233.

2. To find the greatest three-digit number that is divisible by 3, 4, 5, and 6, you need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of 3, 4, 5, and 6. The LCM is the smallest multiple that is divisible by all the numbers given. To find the LCM, you can use multiplication or prime factorization. In this case, the prime factorization of 3 is 3, 4 is 2 * 2, 5 is 5, and 6 is 2 * 3. To find the LCM, you choose the highest power of prime factors among all the numbers. In this case, it would be (2 * 2 * 3 * 5) = 60. Therefore, the greatest three-digit number that is divisible by 3, 4, 5, and 6 is 960.

3. To find the number of even numbers between 101 and 303, you need to understand that even numbers are divisible by 2. The even numbers between the given range will include 102, 104, 106, ..., 302. To count the number of even numbers, you can subtract the smallest even number (102) from the largest even number (302) and then add 2 to include both ends. So, the number of even numbers between 101 and 303 would be ((302 - 102) / 2) + 1 = 101.

4. To find the number of even numbers between 201 and 299, you can follow the same logic as in the previous question. The even numbers between the given range will include 202, 204, 206, ..., 298. To count the number of even numbers, subtract the smallest even number (202) from the largest even number (298) and add 2. So, the number of even numbers between 201 and 299 would be ((298 - 202) / 2) + 1 = 49.

5. If 52 cards are dealt to 8 people as evenly as possible, to find how many people will end up with fewer than 7 cards, you calculate the division. Divide 52 by 8 to find the number of cards each person receives. In this case, 52 divided by 8 equals 6 with a remainder of 4. This means that 4 people will receive 7 cards each, and the remaining 4 people will receive 6 cards each. Therefore, 4 people will end up with fewer than 7 cards.

1, 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 .......

first is 1 = 2 - 1
second is 3 = 4 - 1
third is 5 = 6 - 1

number (n) = 2 n - 1

number (117) = 2(117) - 1

2(117) - 1 is not 2001


1 is 2001

2 is 960
4 is 2

yes or no?