24.) (3 * 10^6)(2 * 10^12)

26.) (6 * 10^9) (5 * 10^4)

Can you please show your work so I can get a better understanding of these problems?


multiply the constants together (3x2) to get 6 and then since you are multiplying and the bases are the same (the 10's) you can just add their exponents to make 10^18. so you now have 6 * 10^18. done. Same thing for the next one.

Thanks Again!

I have another question!

Write each expression using a single exponent.

34.) 5^10/5^7

36.) 76^11/76^5

a^x * a^y = a(x+y)

a^x / a^y = a^x * a^-y = a^(x-y)

34. 5^10/5^7 = 5^(10-7) = 5^3

36. 76^11/76^5 = 76^(11-5) = 76^6

24. (3*10^6)(2*10^12) = 6*10^(6+12)=6*10^18

26. (6*10^9)(5*10^4) = 30*10^(9+4) =
30*10^13 = 3*10^14


Certainly! Let's start with problem 24.

24.) (3 * 10^6)(2 * 10^12)

To multiply numbers in scientific notation, you multiply the coefficients (the numbers in front) and add the exponents (the numbers as powers of 10).

First, let's multiply the coefficients: 3 * 2 = 6.

Next, let's add the exponents: 10^6 * 10^12 = 10^(6+12) = 10^18.

Therefore, the solution to problem 24 is 6 * 10^18.

Now let's move on to problem 26.

26.) (6 * 10^9) (5 * 10^4)

Again, we multiply the coefficients and add the exponents.

First, multiply the coefficients: 6 * 5 = 30.

Next, add the exponents: 10^9 * 10^4 = 10^(9+4) = 10^13.

Therefore, the solution to problem 26 is 30 * 10^13.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.