1. How are continental glaciers different from valley glaciers? (1 point)

Valley glaciers can flow in all directions as they move, while continental glaciers move down slopes already cut by rivers.
Continental glaciers flow in all directions as they move, while valley glaciers move down slopes already cut by rivers.
Valley glaciers cover much of a continent, while continental glaciers cover a small area of mountains.
Continental glaciers are long and narrow, while valley glaciers are wider in size.

You people are some stupid as liars. Guys out there on this post right now if you want the real answers to this quick check here they are. I got a 3/4 listening to all of you guys. Your all wrong. These are the correct answers:

1. B. Believe it or not number 1 is actually B.
2. A
3. C
4. B

Your welcome in advance

Danny is right!

Danny is right, I was about to believe that A was the answer

Thanks you guys got me a 100% 4/4.


These are right :)

thank you danny

Thanks so much Danny! 4/4 100%

thank you Danny 100%

danny is right. BACB. thank you!!

Danny is right if you are in connexus do Danny's answers