im not so sure on this but i think its A.

Which of the following is an example of independent events?

A.rolling two number cubes

B.selecting marbles from a bag without replacement after each draw

C.choosing and eating a piece of candy from a dish and then choosing another piece of candy

D.pulling a card from a deck when other players have already pulled several cards from that deck


i kinda think its D. because the definiton of independent is to doing something that has been done before so pulling a card from a deck when other players have already pulld serveral cards from that deck

To determine which of the given options represents independent events, we need to understand what independent events are. Independent events are those in which the outcome of one event does not affect the outcome of the other event.

Let's examine each option to determine if it aligns with the concept of independent events:

A. Rolling two number cubes: This option can represent independent events because the outcome of rolling the first number cube does not affect the outcome of rolling the second number cube. So, A is a potential example of independent events.

B. Selecting marbles from a bag without replacement after each draw: This option involves dependent events because the outcome of the first draw affects the composition of the bag for the subsequent draws. Therefore, B does not represent independent events.

C. Choosing and eating a piece of candy from a dish and then choosing another piece of candy: This option represents independent events because choosing and eating a piece of candy does not affect the remaining pieces in the dish, making the two events independent. So, C is an example of independent events.

D. Pulling a card from a deck when other players have already pulled several cards from that deck: Since other players have already pulled several cards, the probabilities of certain cards being left in the deck could have changed. Therefore, the second person's draw is not necessarily independent of the earlier draws. Thus, D does not represent independent events.

Based on the analysis above, the example that represents independent events is option A: Rolling two number cubes.