I'm in the eighth grade and mine is 64 percent am I passing?

That depends on your school district and/or state.

In the school where I taught in CA, passing was 60% and above. Here in TX, though, passing is 70% and above.

That depends upon your school's rules. Some schools have 65 or 70 percent as passing. Ask a counselor or a teacher about your school's policy.

To determine if you are passing, you need to know the passing grade in your school or district. Different schools or districts may have different passing percentages. Once you have that information, compare your current grade of 64 percent to the passing grade.

For example, if the passing grade is 60 percent, then yes, you are passing because 64 percent is higher than 60 percent.

If you are unsure of the passing grade, you should consult your teacher, school handbook, or grading policy to find out the specific passing percentage in your school or district.