What impact have the following conflicts had upon the US?

(WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Wars in Gulf, Iraq, and Afghanistan.)

I have an outline of what I'm going to write but I just don't where to start, how to put it in words.

How have this event affected American society, with regards to the labor force, the economy, societal groups, housing, and overall lifestyles?

Describe the attitudes and beliefs The US Government and Americans have towards war, as the U.S entered and exited the wars. How have US Government and American attitudes evolved before, during and after each conflict?

How have the lessons learned and outcomes of wars shaped American involvement in future conflicts?

Here are some umbrella questions.

Start with the body of your paper, writing up your outline in paragraphs.

This is going to take a while so plan on many drafts before you even attempt to write your introduction.

This is going to be a long paper

Thanks! and yes, this is for my exam final.

You're welcome -- and good luck!

When starting to write about the impact of conflicts on the US, it's important to have a clear structure and understanding of each conflict. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you organize your thoughts and put them into words:

1. Introduction:
Start with a brief introduction that provides an overview of the conflicts you will be discussing and their significance. You can mention their timeframes, major participants, and general objectives.

2. World War II:
Begin with World War II and its impact on the US. Focus on aspects such as the economic growth spurred by wartime production, the social changes brought about by women entering the workforce, and the emergence of the US as a superpower.

3. Korean War:
Move on to the Korean War and highlight its impact on the US. Discuss the containment policy, the military and financial costs, and the broader implications for the Cold War.

4. Vietnam War:
Next, address the Vietnam War and its effects. Talk about the domestic divisions it caused, the anti-war movement, the strain on the economy, and the implications for US foreign policy.

5. Gulf War and Iraq War:
Group the Gulf War and Iraq War together as they are both connected to the Middle East. Discuss the objectives behind each conflict, the military actions taken, and the consequences for US diplomacy, regional stability, and the economy.

6. Afghanistan War:
Lastly, focus on the impact of the Afghanistan War. Discuss the initial objectives, the lengthy duration, the loss of American lives, and the broader geopolitical implications.

7. Conclusion:
Conclude your essay by summarizing the overall impact of these conflicts on the US. You can also mention any common themes, lessons learned, or ongoing consequences.

Remember to support your points with evidence such as statistics, quotes, and historical examples. This will give your essay depth and credibility.