All living things must carry out certain functions and possess certain structures to survive, grow, and reproduce. The following chart illustrates how humans possess certain structures to carry out these critical functions. Fill in the plant structures that correspond to the human structures listed in the chart.

Function/ Human Structure/ Plant Structure

I have to fill in the Plant Structure. My answers are the last one in each number

no chart

To fill in the plant structures that correspond to the human structures listed in the chart, let's analyze each function and find the corresponding plant structure:

1. Respiration:
- Human Structure: Lungs
- Plant Structure: Stomata (tiny openings on the surface of leaves)

2. Circulation:
- Human Structure: Heart and blood vessels
- Plant Structure: Xylem and phloem (vascular tissues)

3. Nutrition:
- Human Structure: Digestive system (including the mouth, stomach, and intestines)
- Plant Structure: Roots (absorb water and nutrients from the soil)

4. Excretion:
- Human Structure: Kidneys
- Plant Structure: Lenticels (specialized openings on stems or bark for gas exchange)

5. Movement:
- Human Structure: Muscles
- Plant Structure: Turgor pressure (water pressure within plant cells that enables movement)

6. Reproduction:
- Human Structure: Reproductive organs (such as ovaries and testes)
- Plant Structure: Flowers and reproductive organs (such as stamens and pistils)

So, the filled Plant Structures would be:
1. Respiration: Stomata
2. Circulation: Xylem and phloem
3. Nutrition: Roots
4. Excretion: Lenticels
5. Movement: Turgor pressure
6. Reproduction: Flowers and reproductive organs