Which of the following statements best describes who makes decisions in government oligarchy? A.many elected officials. B. a single political party.

C.many political parties. D. a single leader. I say c. but then again I keep second guessing myself.

Oligarchy means government by a select few.

Therefore I would say B. However it is not necessarily a political party. It could be just a group of rich people or guys with guns.

To determine which statement best describes who makes decisions in a government oligarchy, let's break down each option and understand what an oligarchy is.

An oligarchy is a form of government where power is held by a small group of individuals who are generally wealthy and possess significant influence. In an oligarchy, decision-making authority is concentrated within this small group.

Let's evaluate each option:

A. Many elected officials: In a government oligarchy, power does not typically lie with many elected officials. While there may be elections in an oligarchy, the decision-making power is not distributed among the elected officials but is instead concentrated in a small group.

B. A single political party: Similarly, in an oligarchy, decision-making does not rest solely with a single political party. Instead, power is usually held by a selected few, regardless of party affiliations.

C. Many political parties: This option is also not accurate for an oligarchy. In an oligarchy, decision-making power does not rest with multiple political parties. It is important to note that an oligarchy might restrict political opposition and limit the influence of alternative parties.

D. A single leader: The best option from the given choices is "D," a single leader. Oligarchies often have a central figure or a small group of leaders who make decisions and have significant control over the government.

Therefore, the statement that best describes who makes decisions in a government oligarchy is "D. a single leader."

Remember, when answering multiple-choice questions, it is helpful to systematically evaluate each option by considering the definition, context, and characteristics related to the question.