Write the equations in logarithmic form.

729 = 93(9 to the 3rd power)

25 = 1/5 −2( 1/5 to the -2 power)

a = bc ( c squared)


log9729 = 3

25 = (1/5)-2
log(1/5)25 = -2

for a=bc²
rearrange to
(a/b) = c²
and proceed similar to above.

To write equations in logarithmic form, we need to understand the logarithmic identity.

The logarithm of a number to a specific base is the exponent to which the base must be raised to get that number.

Now, let's rewrite each equation in logarithmic form:

The equation is: 729 = 93 * 9^3

To rewrite it in logarithmic form, we need to identify the base and the number for which we're finding the logarithm.

The base is 9, and the number is 729. Therefore, we can write it as:
log base 9 of 729 = 3

The equation is: 25 = 1/5 - 2 * (1/5)^(-2)

To rewrite it in logarithmic form, we need to identify the base and the number for which we're finding the logarithm.

The base is 1/5, and the number is 25. Therefore, we can write it as:
log base (1/5) of 25 = -2

The equation is: a = b * c^2

To rewrite it in logarithmic form, we need to identify the base and the number for which we're finding the logarithm.

The base is c, and the number is a. Therefore, we can write it as:
log base c of a = 2