1. How are the education improvement act of 1984 and the education accountability act of 1998 similar?

A. Both acts require students to take the Palmetto Challenge Achievement Test.
B. Both acts require students to pass an exit exam to obtain High School diploma***
C. Both acts require teachers to work more days for less money
D. Both acts require teachers to take classes in education reform.






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To determine the similarity between the Education Improvement Act of 1984 and the Education Accountability Act of 1998, we can analyze the options provided:

A. Both acts require students to take the Palmetto Challenge Achievement Test.
B. Both acts require students to pass an exit exam to obtain a High School diploma.
C. Both acts require teachers to work more days for less money.
D. Both acts require teachers to take classes in education reform.

Out of these options, option B is the correct answer. Both the Education Improvement Act of 1984 and the Education Accountability Act of 1998 do require students to pass an exit exam in order to obtain a High School diploma.

To find the answer in this case, one could review the contents of both acts separately. By studying the Education Improvement Act of 1984 and the Education Accountability Act of 1998, the similarities between the two can be identified.