Linda can run 1 mile in 9 minutes. How many miles can she run in 1 hour?

Cross multiply and solve for m.

1/9 = m/60

cross multiply

Thank you so much for answering Ms.Sue and Selena. I really appreciate it. I've been stuck on that question for days now and finally figured out how to do it thanks to you guys!!!! Thanks again!!! :):):):):):)

You're welcome.

Wait what is the answer then??

To find out how many miles Linda can run in 1 hour, we can start by figuring out how many minutes are in 1 hour.

Since there are 60 minutes in 1 hour, we can divide 1 hour by the time it takes Linda to run 1 mile, which is 9 minutes.

So the calculation would be:

1 hour รท 9 minutes = 6.67 miles

Therefore, Linda can run approximately 6.67 miles in 1 hour.