
a. 3^24
b. 3^30
c. 3^36
d. 3^99

I don't get it every time I try to solve it my answers don't match

When multiplying, add the exponents.




To solve the expression 3^3 * 3^33, you need to understand the rules of exponentiation. When you multiply two exponential terms with the same base, you add their exponents. So, in this case, you add the exponents 3 and 33:

3^3 * 3^33 = 3^(3+33)

Now, simplify the sum inside the parentheses:

3^(3+33) = 3^36

Therefore, the correct answer is c. 3^36.

It's important to recognize that when multiplying exponential terms with the same base, you add their exponents.