Please write an equation for the following problem: a seagull is gliding 74 1/2 feet above the surface of water. It then dives 80 feet to catch a fish. How many feet below the surface of the water does the seagull dive?

74.5 - 80 = x

Thank you! I got -5.5, is this correct?


The seagull is 5.5 feet beneath the surface.

How do I get positive 5.5 because I have -5.5?

-5.5 is 5.5 below the surface.

To find the number of feet below the surface of the water that the seagull dives, you can subtract the depth of the dive (80 feet) from the height above the water (74 1/2 feet).

First, convert the mixed number to an improper fraction: 74 1/2 = 74 + 1/2 = 148/2 + 1/2 = 149/2.

Then, the equation would be:

Height above water - Depth of dive = Depth below water

149/2 - 80 = ?

To simplify the equation further, find the common denominator for 149/2 and 80, which is 2. So, rewrite the equation as:

149/2 - 160/2 = ?

Combine the numerators and leave the denominator as 2:

(149 - 160)/2 = ?

Simplify further:


Therefore, the seagull dives 11/2 or 5.5 feet below the surface of the water.