3. Which of the following correctly describes how nerve impulses move throughout the body?

A. electrical transmission through neurons and electrical transmission between neurons
B. chemical transmission through neurons and chemical transmission between neurons
C. chemical transmission through neurons and electrical transmission between neurons
D. electrical transmission through neurons and chemical transmission between neurons

maybe D

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to understand how nerve impulses are transmitted in the body.

Nerve impulses, also known as action potentials, are electrical signals that travel along neurons, which are specialized cells responsible for transmitting these impulses throughout the body.

When a nerve impulse reaches the end of one neuron, it needs to be transmitted to the next neuron in order to continue the signal. This transmission occurs at specialized junctions called synapses.

Based on this information, we can break down the options:

A. electrical transmission through neurons and electrical transmission between neurons:
This option acknowledges that nerve impulses are transmitted through neurons, which is correct. However, it incorrectly suggests that the transmission between neurons is also electrical, which is not accurate. At synapses, transmission occurs through chemical signals.

B. chemical transmission through neurons and chemical transmission between neurons:
This option correctly identifies that transmission within neurons is chemical, but it also suggests that transmission between neurons is chemical, which is not accurate.

C. chemical transmission through neurons and electrical transmission between neurons:
This option accurately describes the transmission of nerve impulses. Within neurons, transmission occurs through chemical signals in the form of action potentials. At synapses, transmission between neurons occurs through electrical signals.

D. electrical transmission through neurons and chemical transmission between neurons:
This option incorrectly suggests that transmission within neurons is electrical, which is not accurate. As mentioned earlier, transmission within neurons is through electrical signals called action potentials.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. chemical transmission through neurons and electrical transmission between neurons.