Ms. Sue please help!

3. Read the passage and answer the question that follows:

Many slaves preferred not to escape their horrible lives on plantations because their families were often with them. Despite the fact that slaves had no rights, they often found ways to sabotage the plantations on which they lived. Slaves would pretend to be ill so they would not have to work. They would also create trouble by breaking tools such as s and plows, which were needed for work. Mothers would work fewer hours to care for their children, so women gave birth to many children. The Br'er Rabbit stories illustrate this tricky ingenuity.

Choose the sentence that corrects a historical inaccuracy in the passage. (6 points)
Many slaves ran away rather than endure the difficult conditions on the plantations.
Men, women, and children alike had to work long days on the plantations.
Slaves had limited rights under the law, which allowed them to recuperate when ill.
The Br'er Rabbit stories illustrate good behavior, teaching slaves how to work well.
4. How was the Second Great Awakening important to slaves' religious beliefs? (6 points)
It created more tolerance among slave owners which gave slaves their first chance to choose a religion.
It made it illegal to punish slaves for going to religious services, so slaves could learn about the Bible without fear.
It allowed many slaves to convert to Christianity because owners felt that converting would make slaves more obedient.
As owners became more understanding during this movement, enslaved parents were allowed to teach their children about religion.
5. What did many Transcendentalists believe? (6 points)
They believed religion was more important than science.
They believed science was more important than religion.
They believed study and self-reflection would reveal better answers than science.
They believed practicing religion would reveal better answers than self-reflection.
6. Which statement best explains Henry David Thoreau's idea of civil disobedience? (6 points)
Taxation without representation is unfair and must be resisted.
The government must serve the people, not the other way around.
If a law goes against morality then citizens should protest it peacefully.
Unjust laws must be opposed by any means necessary, including violence.
7. What statement best defines the link between Transcendentalist ideas and the idea of utopian communities? (6 points)
Transcendentalists disliked normal society and wished to live only among individuals who were like them.
The Transcendentalists valued self-interest and individual rights above all and wanted a society based on those values.
Sharing resources and labor for the benefit of the community were seen by many Transcendentalists as the key to a better society.
Many in the Transcendentalist movement rejected government and organized religion; utopias were a way to escape them.
8. Which of these Transcendentalist ideas had the most direct impact on the civil rights movement of the 20th century? (6 points)
God and nature are one and the same thing.
People should peacefully protest unjust laws.
Self-reflection is the most direct way to find the truth.
Individuals should make up their own minds about all matters.
9. Which of the following represents a positive outcome(s) of the Second Great Awakening? (6 points)
The government passed new laws regarding the ownership of land.
The American people joined together to promote religious freedom for all.
People created reform movements related to abolition and women's rights.
The people of the North and South came together to agree to abolish slavery.

my answers

I agree with all of your answers except for 8.

do you think 8 is d?

8 b?

I disagree with your answer for 11.

The others are right.

answer is 9

can you help me

How did participation in other reform movements help strengthen the women's movement?

Women's struggles in other groups made them want to have a group where they could be in charge.
Women's success in reform movements made them question the limitations placed on them in society.
The success of other reform programs made women think they could finally do something about women's rights.
The experience gained working on reform programs made women qualified to create the women's rights movement.
Question 15(Multiple Choice Worth 6 points)
(07.04 LC)

Which of the following took place at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848?

Paulina Davis gave a shocking speech
The Declaration of Sentiments was introduced
The push for anti-slavery legislation intensified
The National Woman Suffrage Association formed
Question 16(Multiple Choice Worth 6 points)
(07.04 LC)

Which answer correctly summarizes the accomplishments of Lucretia Mott?

Mott founded several temperance and abolition groups.
Mott drafted a constitutional amendment to give women the right to vote.
Mott authored the Declaration of Sentiments and helped found the NWSA.
Mott helped organize the Seneca Falls Convention and the first Women's Rights Convention.

so what is it

In order to determine the correct answers to these questions, let's carefully analyze each question and the information provided in the passage.

3. The question asks us to choose the sentence that corrects a historical inaccuracy in the passage. The passage states that "Many slaves preferred not to escape their horrible lives on plantations because their families were often with them." This is not historically accurate because the reality is that many slaves risked their lives to escape slavery and seek freedom. The correct sentence that corrects this inaccuracy is: "Many slaves ran away rather than endure the difficult conditions on the plantations."

4. The question asks us how the Second Great Awakening was important to slaves' religious beliefs. The passage does not provide any information about the Second Great Awakening, so we need to rely on our knowledge. The Second Great Awakening was a religious revival movement in the United States during the early 19th century. It led to an increase in religious fervor and the spread of Christianity. Based on this information, the correct answer is: "It allowed many slaves to convert to Christianity because owners felt that converting would make slaves more obedient."

5. The question asks us what many Transcendentalists believed. We need to rely on our knowledge of Transcendentalism. Transcendentalists believed in the importance of self-reflection, intuition, and the individual's ability to connect with the divinity in nature. Based on this information, the correct answer is: "They believed study and self-reflection would reveal better answers than science."

6. The question asks us to choose the statement that best explains Henry David Thoreau's idea of civil disobedience. We need to analyze the options and select the one that aligns with Thoreau's concept. Thoreau's idea of civil disobedience is based on the belief that if a law goes against morality, then citizens should peacefully protest it. The correct answer is: "If a law goes against morality then citizens should protest it peacefully."

7. The question asks us to define the link between Transcendentalist ideas and the idea of utopian communities. We need to consider the beliefs and values of Transcendentalism and how they relate to the idea of utopian communities. Transcendentalists believed in the importance of individual rights and self-interest. However, they also valued sharing resources and labor for the benefit of the community. Based on this information, the correct answer is: "Sharing resources and labor for the benefit of the community were seen by many Transcendentalists as the key to a better society."

8. The question asks us which Transcendentalist idea had the most direct impact on the civil rights movement of the 20th century. We need to analyze the options and determine which idea aligns with the principles and methods of the civil rights movement. The civil rights movement of the 20th century advocated for nonviolent protests and peaceful demonstrations against unjust laws and discrimination. The correct answer is: "People should peacefully protest unjust laws."

9. The question asks us to identify the positive outcome(s) of the Second Great Awakening. We need to analyze the options and determine which outcomes were associated with the Second Great Awakening. The passage does not provide information about the outcomes of the Second Great Awakening, so we need to rely on our knowledge. The Second Great Awakening led to various reform movements, including those related to abolition and women's rights. The correct answer is: "People created reform movements related to abolition and women's rights."

Based on this analysis, the correct answers are:

3. b ("Many slaves ran away rather than endure the difficult conditions on the plantations.")
4. c ("It allowed many slaves to convert to Christianity because owners felt that converting would make slaves more obedient.")
5. c ("They believed study and self-reflection would reveal better answers than science.")
6. c ("If a law goes against morality then citizens should protest it peacefully.")
7. b ("Sharing resources and labor for the benefit of the community were seen by many Transcendentalists as the key to a better society.")
8. b ("People should peacefully protest unjust laws.")
9. c ("People created reform movements related to abolition and women's rights.")

some more questions if you don't mind?

10. Use this passage to answer the following question:

The Cotton Gin
Andrea Brecheen

The cotton gin was one of the most amazing and tragic inventions of early America. The cotton gin is credited to the brilliant and creative American inventor Eli Whitney. Because Whitney's invention made cotton harvesting easier, it allowed farmers in the South to increase production. The cotton gin simplified the process of removing the cotton from the seeds, a process formerly done by hand.

As a result, Southern plantations increased their production of cotton from 750,000 bales in 1830 to 2.85 million bales just 20 years later. Because of the increase in production, the farmers in South became even more dependent on cotton for revenue. This new reliance on cotton increased the need for slavery. More slaves were needed to farm the ever expanding cotton plantations. If Whitney had known the effects his invention would have on slavery, he never would have created it.

Read the passage. Which sentence from the text is an opinion that needs more support to be considered valid? (7 points)
"As a result, Southern plantations increased their production of cotton from 750,000 bales in 1830 to 2.85 million bales. . ."
"If Whitney had known the effects his invention would have on slavery, he never would have created it."
"Because Whitney's invention made cotton harvesting easier, it allowed farmers in the South to increase production."
"Because of the increase in production, the farmers in South became even more dependent on cotton for revenue."
11. What two key reform movements gave rise to the women's suffrage movement? (6 points)
health and education reform
anti-slavery and temperance
factory reform and women's health
suffrage for free slaves and anti-war
12. Which answer best describes the accomplishments of Sojourner Truth? (6 points)
Truth was a leader and speaker for both abolition and women's rights.
Truth drafted a constitutional amendment to give women the right to vote.
Truth authored the Declaration of Sentiments and helped found the NWSA.
Truth helped organize the Seneca Falls Convention and the first Women's Rights Convention.
13. Horace Mann and Thomas Gallaudet both worked for improvement on which social issue? (6 points)
alcohol abuse
care for orphans
mental health


what did you get on this?