Carousel Toys has Romper Buckaroos, wooden rocking horses for toddlers, on a 30% markdown sale for $72.09. What was the original price before they were marked down?

Round to the nearest cent.

so the $72.09 represents 70% of the original price

.7x = 72.09
x = 72.09/.7 = $102.99

check by taking off 30% of that

To find the original price before the markdown, we can use the formula:

Original price = Sale price / (1 - Markdown rate)

In this case, we have the sale price as $72.09 and the markdown rate as 30%.

First, convert the markdown rate to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 30% / 100 = 0.30.

Next, calculate the original price using the formula:

Original price = $72.09 / (1 - 0.30)

Original price = $72.09 / 0.70

Original price = $102.99

Therefore, the original price of the Romper Buckaroos wooden rocking horse before the markdown was $102.99.