How do you convert a decimal into a fraction?

I searched Google under the key words "decimal fraction" to get this source:

You can think of this to help you:

.1 = 1/10
.01 = 1/100
.001 = 1/1000

Thus .235 = 235/1000

However, this fraction can be reduced.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To convert a decimal into a fraction, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the place value of the last digit in the decimal. This will be the denominator of the fraction.
For example, in the decimal 0.235, the last digit is in the thousandths place, so the denominator will be 1000.

2. Convert the decimal into a fraction by writing the digits after the decimal point as the numerator of the fraction.
For example, in the decimal 0.235, the digits after the decimal point are 235.

3. Simplify the fraction if possible by reducing the numerator and denominator to their lowest terms.
In the example of 0.235, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 5 to simplify the fraction to 47/200.

Remember that fractions can be simplified further, so always check if there are common factors that can be canceled out. In this case, 47/200 is already in its simplest form.

If you need some extra help, you can refer to online resources like, as mentioned earlier, or use a calculator that supports decimal to fraction conversion.