Graph and identify the coordinates of a rectangle with a length of at least 5 units and a width of at least 2 units. Each vertex of the rectangle must be in a different quadrant. Two of the points must have rational coordinates that are not integers.

I'm not sure what to do. Please don't give me the answer just an example.


21/2 is rational but not integer and it is more than 5 and more than 2

so a square would solve the problem.
put points at (21/2, 21/2) in quadrant 1
then its image (-21/2, 21/2) in quadrant 2
then (-21/2, -21/2) in quadrant 3
and (21/2,-21/2) in quadrant 4.

To graph and identify the coordinates of a rectangle with the given conditions, we can break down the process into steps:

Step 1: Understand the Quadrants
Before we begin, let's review the four quadrants on a coordinate plane:
- Quadrant I: (+, +)
- Quadrant II: (-, +)
- Quadrant III: (-, -)
- Quadrant IV: (+, -)

Step 2: Determine the Length and Width
Since we need a rectangle with a length of at least 5 units and a width of at least 2 units, we can choose any two sides that satisfy these conditions. For this example, let's assume the length is along the positive x-axis and the width is along the positive y-axis.

Step 3: Determine the First Point
To have rational coordinates that are not integers, we can choose a point on the x-axis that lies in Quadrant I. For simplicity, let's select the point (5, 0), which lies on the x-axis in Quadrant I.

Step 4: Determine the Second Point
We need to find a point on the y-axis in Quadrant II to complete one of the shorter sides of the rectangle. Let's select the point (0, 2), which lies on the y-axis in Quadrant II.

Step 5: Determine the Third Point
To find a point on the x-axis in Quadrant III that completes the longer side of the rectangle, we can select the point (-5, 0), which lies on the x-axis in Quadrant III.

Step 6: Determine the Fourth Point
Lastly, we need to find a point on the y-axis in Quadrant IV to complete the other shorter side of the rectangle. Let's select the point (0, -2), which lies on the y-axis in Quadrant IV.

Step 7: Plot the Points
Now that we have determined the four points, we can plot them on a coordinate plane:
- (5, 0) in Quadrant I
- (0, 2) in Quadrant II
- (-5, 0) in Quadrant III
- (0, -2) in Quadrant IV

By following these steps, you should be able to graph a rectangle that meets all the given conditions. Make sure to label the coordinates of each point on the graph for reference.