Would nicotine undergo

1. oxidation
2. coupling with diazonium compounds
3. nitration

How easy would it be for these reactions, when compared to benzene?

Thanks! :)

To determine if nicotine undergoes oxidation, coupling with diazonium compounds, or nitration, and how it compares to benzene, we need to evaluate the chemical properties and functional groups present in nicotine.

1. Oxidation: Nicotine contains several easily oxidizable functional groups, such as the pyridine and the tertiary amine group. It can undergo oxidation reactions with strong oxidizing agents, such as concentrated nitric acid or potassium permanganate. These reactions could result in the formation of various oxidized products.

2. Coupling with diazonium compounds: Coupling reactions typically occur between diazonium salts and compounds with active hydrogen atoms. Nicotine lacks active hydrogen atoms and does not contain any suitable functional groups that would react with diazonium salts through coupling reactions. Therefore, it is unlikely that nicotine would undergo coupling with diazonium compounds.

3. Nitration: Nitration refers to the introduction of a nitro (NO2) group into a compound. While nitration is commonly observed in aromatic compounds like benzene, nicotine does not possess a benzene ring. Instead, it has a pyridine ring, which is less prone to nitration. Nitration of nicotine would require harsh conditions and strong nitrating agents, making it more challenging compared to benzene.

In summary, nicotine can undergo oxidation but is less likely to undergo coupling with diazonium compounds or nitration when compared to benzene. However, it is important to note that these reactions may still be possible under specific conditions or with the use of appropriate reagents.