A solution of Al2 (SO4) 3 {d=1.253gm/ml } contain 22% salt by weight. The molarity, normality, and molality of the solution is?

22% by mass means 22 g solute/100 g solution.

How many mols in 22g? That's 22/342 about 0.064 mols which is an estimate as are all of the other calculations that follow. You should recalculate each for yourself.
So we have 0.064g solute/100 g solution. Use the density to convert 100 g to volume. mass = v x d or v = m/d = 100/1.253 = about 80 mL or 0.08 L
Then M = mols/L = about 0.064/0.08 = about 0.8M

N = M x #+/- charges = 0.8M x 6 = ?

m = mols/kgsolvent. We have 0.064 mols/100 g solutions and that is made of 0.064/(22g solute + 78 g solvent) so
m = 0.064/0.078 = ?


To find the molarity, normality, and molality of the solution, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the molar mass of Al2(SO4)3.
The atomic mass of Al = 26.98 g/mol
The atomic mass of S = 32.07 g/mol
The atomic mass of O = 16.00 g/mol
Molar mass of Al2(SO4)3 = (2*26.98) + (3*32.07) + (12*16.00) = 342.15 g/mol

Step 2: Calculate the mass of salt in the solution.
Given that the solution contains 22% salt by weight, we can calculate the mass of salt as:
Mass of salt = 22% * volume of solution * density of solution
Assuming we have 1 liter (1000 ml) of solution:
Mass of salt = 22/100 * 1000 ml * 1.253 g/ml = 275.06 g

Step 3: Calculate the number of moles of salt.
Number of moles of salt = mass of salt / molar mass of Al2(SO4)3
Number of moles of salt = 275.06 g / 342.15 g/mol = 0.804 mol

Step 4: Calculate the volume of the solution in liters.
Volume of solution = mass of solution / density of solution
Assuming the total mass of the solution is 1000 grams:
Volume of solution = 1000 g / 1.253 g/ml = 798.08 ml = 0.798 L

Step 5: Calculate the molarity of the solution.
Molarity = number of moles of salt / volume of solution in liters
Molarity = 0.804 mol / 0.798 L = 1.01 M

Step 6: Calculate the normality of the solution.
Normality of a solution depends on the number of equivalents of the solute.
In this case, Al2(SO4)3 is a 3:2 electrolyte, meaning it has 3 equivalents per mole of the compound.
Normality = 3 * molarity = 3 * 1.01 M = 3.03 N

Step 7: Calculate the molality of the solution.
Molality = number of moles of salt / mass of the solvent in kg
Given that volume of solution = mass of solution, we can assume the mass of the solvent to be (mass of solution - mass of salt).
Mass of the solvent = mass of solution - mass of salt
Mass of the solvent = 1000 g - 275.06 g = 724.94 g = 0.72494 kg
Molality = 0.804 mol / 0.72494 kg = 1.11 mol/kg

Therefore, the molarity of the solution is 1.01 M, the normality is 3.03 N, and the molality is 1.11 mol/kg.

To find the molarity, normality, and molality of the solution, we first need to understand the definitions of these terms.

1. Molarity (M): Molarity is defined as the number of moles of solute per liter of solution. It is calculated using the formula:

Molarity (M) = moles of solute / volume of solution (in liters)

2. Normality (N): Normality is a measure of the concentration of a solution in terms of chemical equivalents. It is calculated using the formula:

Normality (N) = (moles of solute x equivalent weight) / volume of solution (in liters)

3. Molality (m): Molality is a measure of concentration expressed in moles of solute per kilogram of solvent. It is calculated using the formula:

Molality (m) = moles of solute / mass of solvent (in kilograms)

Now, let's calculate the molarity, normality, and molality of the given solution.

Step 1: Calculate the mass of the solute (salt) in the solution.
Since the solution contains 22% salt by weight, the mass of the solute can be calculated as:
Mass of solute = 22% x mass of solution

Step 2: Calculate the moles of solute.
Moles of solute = Mass of solute / molar mass of solute

Step 3: Calculate the volume of the solution.
Volume of solution can be calculated using the given density and the mass of the solution:
Volume of solution = Mass of solution / Density

Step 4: Calculate molarity (M).
Molarity (M) = Moles of solute / Volume of solution (in liters)

Step 5: Calculate normality (N).
Normality (N) = (Moles of solute x Equivalent weight) / Volume of solution (in liters)

Step 6: Calculate molality (m).
Molality (m) = Moles of solute / Mass of solvent (in kilograms)

By following these steps and plugging in the appropriate values, you can calculate the molarity, normality, and molality of the given solution.