What do you think is Bradbury's purpose in contrasting Douglas's real conversation with his father and the thoughts that are going on in Douglas's mind?

A. It shows that Douglas has a vivid imagination but also shows the limitations her has with communication.
B. It shows that Douglas is able to argue effectively to get what he wants from his parents.
C. It shows that Douglas tries to escape into his imagination when he feels uncomfortable

please help! I do not understand.

Never mind. I found it was A the hard way.


You didn't post any title or author, but you expected someone to know what all this was about?

If you make your questions complete, and post what YOU think an answer is, you're likely to get far better help here.

I wasn't being smart about it! you don't have to get all defensive! :(

To better understand Ray Bradbury's purpose in contrasting Douglas's real conversation with his father and the thoughts in Douglas's mind, you can refer to the text and analyze the author's technique.

First, look for passages in the text where Douglas has a real conversation with his father, as well as passages where Douglas's thoughts are described. Pay attention to the context, setting, and the events surrounding these conversations and thoughts.

In these instances, you may start by considering the following questions:

1. What is the tone and content of the real conversation between Douglas and his father? Does it reveal anything about their relationship or their individual personalities?

2. How do the thoughts in Douglas's mind contrast with the real conversation? Are they similar or different in terms of tone, content, or level of imagination?

Once you've analyzed the text, you can consider the answer choices provided:

A. It shows that Douglas has a vivid imagination but also shows the limitations he has with communication.
This answer suggests that the purpose of contrasting Douglas's conversation and thoughts is to highlight his vivid imagination while also showcasing his difficulties in effectively communicating with others.

B. It shows that Douglas is able to argue effectively to get what he wants from his parents.
This answer suggests that the purpose of the contrast is to demonstrate Douglas's ability to argue and manipulate situations to his advantage during his interactions with his parents. However, this may not be supported if there is no evidence of Douglas effectively arguing or manipulating in the text.

C. It shows that Douglas tries to escape into his imagination when he feels uncomfortable.
This answer suggests that the purpose of the contrast is to reveal that Douglas uses his imagination as a coping mechanism when he is uncomfortable or faced with challenging situations.

To determine the correct answer, consider which option aligns most fittingly with the textual evidence and themes present in the story.