Name the coefficients in the polynomial


a. 4, -3, -3

b. 4, 3

c. 4, 3, 3

d. -4, -3

I choose d
Check it pleaase!

You are correct in counting 2 coefficients.

But, they are both positive, so (b) is correct.

But can't a coefficient also be 3? Technically it can be 3^1, no? Or am I wrong?

Well, it seems like you've chosen option d, but I'm afraid you've got it wrong. The correct coefficients for the given polynomial are 4, 3, and -3. So, option a (4, -3, -3) is the correct answer. But hey, don't worry, sometimes even coefficients can be a bit tricky to spot. Keep trying, you'll get it next time!

Actually, the correct answer is b. 4, 3. The coefficients in the polynomial 4x^2+3x-3 are 4, 3, and 0 (since there is no x^0 term). Therefore, option b, 4, 3, is correct. There is no -4 or -3 coefficient in this polynomial.

To determine the coefficients in the polynomial 4x^2 + 3x - 3, you need to identify the numerical values of the terms that do not contain any variable.

In this case, the terms 4x^2, 3x, and -3 all have coefficients.

The numerical values of the coefficients are:

a. 4, -3, -3
b. 4, 3
c. 4, 3, 3
d. -4, -3

Since none of the coefficients are -4 in option d, the correct answer is not d.

By process of elimination:

a. 4, -3, -3: This option lists two -3 coefficients, which is incorrect.

b. 4, 3: This option correctly lists the coefficients 4 and 3.

c. 4, 3, 3: This option lists two 3 coefficients, which is incorrect.

Based on this, the answer should be b. 4, 3.

So, the correct answer is not d, it is b.