How did farming change during the Roman Republic period?

A. Farming became more of a business, run by wealthy landowners.

B.Farmers began to rely on laborers from distant lands to harvest their crops.

C. Farmers began using steam-powered machines to harvest crops.

D. Small farmers forced wealthy landowners to sell them their large estates<<<<<<< i think D

i need help plzzz

i have been waiting for an hour no for my question to get answered

I disagree, D actually sounds majorly preposterous.

As well as C being outright impossible.

Can you now decided between A or B?

i think A.

A is correct. Good job.

thank you without you i would have failed

To determine how farming changed during the Roman Republic period, one can look at historical records and research.

During the Roman Republic period, which lasted from 509 BC to 27 BC, the Roman economy relied heavily on agriculture, and farming played a crucial role in society.

A. Farming became more of a business, run by wealthy landowners:
One significant change during the Roman Republic period was that farming started to become more of a business operated by wealthy landowners. As Rome expanded, small independent farmers struggled to compete with large estates owned by the elite. The consolidation of land into large estates allowed for more efficient farming practices and increased productivity.

B. Farmers began to rely on laborers from distant lands to harvest their crops:
Another change that occurred during this period was an increased reliance on slave labor. As Roman agriculture expanded, many farmers turned to slaves to provide labor for their large estates, including the harvesting of crops. However, it is worth mentioning that slave labor was not limited to harvesting, but encompassed various aspects of farming.

C. Farmers began using steam-powered machines to harvest crops:
The use of steam-powered machines to harvest crops did not exist during the Roman Republic period. This technological advancement came much later in history.

D. Small farmers forced wealthy landowners to sell them their large estates:
The Roman Republic period saw the opposite trend, where small farmers faced difficulties and often ended up selling their land to wealthy landowners. As mentioned earlier, the consolidation of land into large estates was a significant transformation during this time.

In conclusion, option D is not the correct answer. The correct answer, based on historical evidence, is option A: Farming became more of a business, run by wealthy landowners.